Monday, May 24, 2010


This blog goes out to my mother. She has done so much for me and looks out for me all the time. She gives me enough room to breath and let me decided things for myself but gives me advice as much as i need it. She is such an amazing woman always giving 150% of herself all the time. She is such a giving person, and would do anything for anyone. I love her so much and I'm missing her so much in my new chapter of life. Hopefully Tom and I can make trips down to see her and she can come up here to see us. She is such a great lady and I'm so thankful i was picked to be her daughter.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Staring of my 8th week in the pregnancy and boy has it been rough, i'm tired all the time! and i get sick every time i wake up even from naps! It's so weird how i can only manage to get a little bit of soup down and i feel full but most of the time i can eat almost 3 helpings of spaggetti ha. in 4 days Tom and I get to hear the babys heart beat! i'm so excited! The prenatals are working pretty well but if i don't have food in me and eat food after i get sick :S Tom says i'm looking more and more beautiful every day :) he has been so good to me. Just last week he painted my toe nails and brushed my hair. I told him he needed to get some practice in just in case it's a girl. i feel like it's a boy and i keep having dreams it's a boy but Tom thinks it's a girl because i'm sick all the time.